It Will Find A Way: Cold Storage Review (ARC)

“Other fungi are fast. Much faster.”

First off, I would like to thank HarperCollins Canada for sending me an advanced copy of this book, in brilliant packaging no less, in exchange for an honest review.

Cold Storage by David Koepp is the story about a fungus that is both highly mutative and capable of fast destruction of just about everything in its path. The story begins with Robert Diaz and a team going to investigate what was thought to be a biochemical attack but what turns out to be this organism starting to wreak havoc on earth. Thankfully, Diaz manages to contain the fungi and keeps it locked away in cold storage, never to be worried about again… Well, until decades later, when the specimen has found a way out and is back on a lethal journey. It is once again a race against time before the fungus takes over.

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Who Is She? Dear Wife Review

“Some vows are meant to be broken.”

First, I would like to say thank you to HarperCollins Canada for sending me an advanced copy of Dear Wife by Kimberley Belle in exchange for my participation in the Instagram takeover on June 24th. Although I am writing this review before then, I already know I have more to say than what I am going to be posting there, so I wanted to take this opportunity to write about Dear Wife here on my blog. As always, my opinions are honest and my own. Now let’s get to it!

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Simply Walk To Mordor: Month 4 Check-In

“There’s a rhyme and reason
To the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager
Beats in time with yours”

Well, another month has gone by in my journey to Mordor. I think I’ve definitely settled into a somewhat steady routine and pace when it comes to walking. Right now, I am a little over 550 kilometres into the journey, which works out to roughly 137.5 kilometres a month since I started in February. Not bad, but I really wish it could be better. Unfortunately, I’ve had to deal with a number of hiccups over the past little while.

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Part Of The Journey Is The End

You know, I had a lot of theories about Avengers: Endgame before going to see it this evening (though writing this is going to take a while longer than one evening). Some of them were spurred by theories I had read about online, whereas others I remember thinking of before seeing them (or not seeing them, in some cases) online. I watched some of the trailers and parts of the press tour.

But as the scenes flew by and the movie unfolded in the theatres…well…

(Spoilers Ahead)

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Simply Walk To Mordor: Month 3 Check-In

Well, April wasn’t particularly interesting when it comes to how I’m doing on my Walk To Mordor challenge, unfortunately. For the most part, I was still waiting for the ice to melt on the hike I’ve been going on. Well, ice and rain. I was finally able to return to the hike this past Saturday and thankfully all of the snow and ice were gone. That said, the melted ice did leave some portions of the track quite muddy and wet.

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